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发布时间:2022-09-14    编辑:刘寒     点击:[]

1、 苏志伟个人简介

(1) 基本情况:澳门新甫京娱乐娱城平台特聘教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪人才,资本市场研究院院长

(2) 学历学位:台湾逢甲大学商学研究所博士、厦门大学金融系博士后研究

(3) 联系方式:2303639470@qq.com


2、 主要经历

教育经历: 1991—1995年,台湾中兴大学经济系;




3、 学术兼职:

(1) Energy Economics,客座主编

(2) Economic Research- Ekonomska Istraživanja,客座主编

(3) Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI) 客座主编          

(4) Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI),编辑委员

(5) Energy Research Letters,共同主编

(6) 中国普惠金融中心副主任

(7) International Engineering and Technology Institute Fellow

4、 代表性研究论文


科研成果上,以第一或通讯作者发表论文250多篇,其中SSCI论文200篇,SCI论文40篇,20212020年被列为应用经济学科的中国高被引学者分别名列第45其中包括了Energy Policy, Energy, Technological Forecasting & Social Change , Resources Policy, Urban StudiesEconomic Modelling, International Review Economic and Finance, Emerging Markets Review, Economics of Transition等高水平SSCI期刊。文章获得多项奖项,包括山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖、青岛市社会科学优秀成果一等奖、天泰优秀人才奖一等奖等。同时主持《我国五年规划下产业扶持政策对股票市场持续性影响的时空演变研究亚洲区域货币整合中的人民币国际化基于利率平价理论的实证研究》、《人民币离岸金融中心的区位选择与形成机制研究》等多个国家社科基金和教育部人文社科项目。近三年发表论文如下:

1. Chi Wei Su, Xi Yuan, Ran Tao and Xuefeng Shaq, 2022, “Time and frequency domain connectedness analysis of the energy transformation under climate policy”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, forthcoming, (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

2. Qiu-Su Wang and Chi-Wei Su, 2022, "Fiscal decentralisation in China: Is the guarantee of improving energy efficiency?", Energy Strategy Reviews, forthcoming, (SCI, Impact Factor=10.01)

3. Chi-Wei Su, Syed Kumail,  AbbasRizvi, BushraNaqvi, NawazishMirza and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “COVID19: A Blessing in Disguise for European Stock Markets?”, Finance Research Letters, 103135, (SSCI, Impact Factor=9.848)

4. Kai-HuaWang, Jia-Min Kan, Cui-Feng Jiang and Chi-Wei Su, 2022, “Is Geopolitical Risk Powerful Enough to Affect Carbon Dioxide Emissions? Evidence from China”, Sustainability, 14, 7867, (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.889)

5. Chi Wei Su, Xi Yuan, Muhammad Umar and Tsangyao Chang, 2022, “Dynamic price linkage of energies in transformation: Evidence from quantile connectedness”, Resources Policy, 78, 102886, (SSCI, Impact Factor=8.222)

6. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su, Adnan Khurshid and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “COVID-19 impact on multifractality of energy prices: Asymmetric multifractality analysis, Energy, 256, 124607, (SCI, Impact Factor=8.857)

7. Zheng-Zheng Li, Chi Wei SuTsangyao Chang  and Oana-Ramona Lobont, Policy-driven or market-driven? Evidence from steam coal price bubbles in China”, 2022, Resources Policy, 78, 102878, (SSCI, Impact Factor=8.222)

8. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su and Sinem Derindere Koseoglu, 2022, “Who are the influencers in the commodity markets during COVID-19?”, Resources Policy, 78, 102854, (SSCI, Impact Factor=8.222)

9.  Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su, Ashfaq U.Rehma and RahmanUllah, 2022, “Is technological innovation a driver of renewable energy?”, Technology in Society, 70, 102044, (SSCI, Impact Factor=4.192)

10. Chi Wei Su, Lidong Pang, Ran Tao, Xuefeng Shao and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “Renewable energy and technological innovation: Which one is the winner in promoting net-zero emissions?”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 182, 121798. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

11. Xin Li, Zheng Li, Chi Wei Su, Muhammad Umar and Xuefeng Shao, 2022,  “Exploring the asymmetric impact of economic policy uncertainty on China's carbon emissions trading market price: Do different types of uncertainty matter?”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 178, 121601. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

12. Yajing Li, Ming Yin, Khalid Khan and Chi-Wei Su, 2022, “The impact of COVID-19 on shipping freights: asymmetric multifractality analysis”, Maritime Policy & Management, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.778) https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839. 2022.2081372

13. Chi Wei Su, Yingfeng Chen,  Jinyan HuTsangyao Chang  and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “Can the green bond market enter a new era under the fluctuation of oil price? ”, Economic Research- Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229) DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2022.2077794.

14. Jinyan Hu, Kai-Hua Wang, Chi Wei Su and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “Oil price, green innovation and institutional pressure: A China’s perspective”, Resources Policy, 78, 102788, (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.634)

15. Chi Wei Su, Lidong Pang, Muhammad Umar, Oana-Ramona Lobonţ & Nicoleta-Claudia Moldovan, 2022, “Does gold’s hedging uncertainty aura fade away” , Resources Policy, 77, 102726, (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.634)

16. Chi Wei Su, Lidong Pang, Muhammad Umar & Oana-Ramona Lobonţ, 2022, “Will Gold Always Shine amid World Uncertainty?”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, doi.org/10.1080/1540496X.2022.2050462 (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.315)

17. Xiao Cui Yin and Chi Wei Su, 2022, “Have housing prices contributed to regional imbalances in urban–rural income gap in China?”, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, DOI:10.1007/s10901-022-09945-1 (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.414)

18. Yingying Xu, Ziling Xu, Yuliang Zhou, Chi Wei Su, Lingling Guo, 2022, “Outdoor thermal comfort improvement with advanced solar awnings: Subjective and objective survey”, Building and Environment, 215, 108967. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.456)

19. Rui Nian, Xue Geng, Zhengguang Zhang, Minghan Yuan, Zhen Fu, Hengfu Xu, Hua Yang, Qi Lai Hui He, Chi Wei Su, Lina Zang, Qiang Yuan and Bo He, 2022, “Toward Exploring Topographic Effects on Evolution and Propagation of Ocean Mesoscale Eddies Through Life Cycle Across Izu-Ogasawara Ridge in Northwestern Pacific Ocean”, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 672272. (SCI, Impact Factor=4.912)

20. Chi-Wei Su, Wenhao Li, Muhammad Umar, and Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ, 2022, “Can Green Credit Reduce the Emissions of Pollutants?”, Economic Analysis and Policy, 74, 205-209. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.497)

21. Xi Yuan, Chi-Wei Su, Muhammad Umar, Xuefeng Shao and Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ 2022, “The race to zero emissions: Can renewable energy be the path to carbon neutrality?”, Journal of Environmental Management, 308, 114648. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.789)

22. Khalid Khan, Chi-Wei Su, Adnan Khurshid and Muhammad Umar, 2022, “Are there bubbles in the Vanilla price?”, Agricultural and Food Economics, 10, 6. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.625)

23. Khalid Khan, Chi-Wei Su, Muhammad Umar, and Weike Zhang, 2022. “Geopolitics of technology: A new battleground? Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.3846/tede.2022.16028. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.97)

24. Chi-Wei Su, Xi Yuan, Muhammad Umar,, and Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ, 2022, “Does technological innovation bring destruction or creation to the labor market”, Technology in Society, 68, 101905. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.101905 (SSCI, Impact Factor=4.192)

25. Xiao-Qing Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ, Hao Li and Moldovan Nicoleta-Claudia, 2022, “Is China's carbon trading market efficient? Evidence from emissions trading scheme pilots”, Energy, 245, 123240. (SCI, Impact Factor=7.147)

26. Khalid Khan and Chi-Wei Su, 2022, “Does policy uncertainty threaten renewable energy? Evidence from G7 countries”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Published online. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12443-6. (SCI, Impact Factor=3.056)

27. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su and AdnanKhurshid, 2022, “Do booms and busts identify bubbles in energy prices?” Resources Policy, 76, 102556. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.986)

28. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su and Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi, 2022, “Guns and Blood: A Review of Geopolitical Risk and Defence Expenditures”, Defence and Peace Economics, 33, 1, 42-58. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.068)

29. Zheng Zheng Li, Chi Wei Su and Meng Nan Zhu, 2022, “How Does Uncertainty Affect Volatility Correlation Between Financial Assets? Evidence from Bitcoin, Stock and Gold”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58, 9, 2682-2694 (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.315)

30. Muhammad Umar, Chi-Wei Su, Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi and Oana-Ramona Lobonţ, 2021, “Driven by fundamentals or exploded by emotions: Detecting bubbles in oil prices”, Energy, 231, 120873. (SCI, Impact Factor=7.147)

31. Chi Wei Su, Xian-Li Meng, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Policy turmoil in China: A barrier for FDI flows?”, International Journal of Emerging Markets, forthcoming (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.488)

32. Chi Wei Su, Xian-Li Meng, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Chinese consumer confidence: a catalyst for the outbound tourism expenditure?”, Tourism Economics, forthcoming (SSCI, Impact Factor=4.438)

33. Meng Qin, Tong Wu, Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su and Stefea Petru, 2021, “The Inevitable Role of Bilateral Relation: A Fresh Insight into the Bitcoin Market”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, forthcoming (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.034)

34. Xiao Xuan, Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su and Adnan Khurshid, 2021, “Will COVID‐19 Threaten the Survival of the Airline Industry?”, Sustainability, 13,11666. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.251)

35. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su and Mengnan Zhu, 2021, “Examining the behaviour of energy prices to COVID-19 uncertainty: A quantile on quantile approach”, Energy, Published online. (SCI, Impact Factor=7.147)

36. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su , Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar,, 2021, “How do geopolitical risks affect oil prices and freight rates?”, Ocean and Coastal Management, 215, 1, 105955. (SCI, Impact Factor=3.284)

37. Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su, Bushra Naqvi and Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi, 2021, “Can Fintech development pave the way for a transition towards low-carbon economy: A global perspective, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 174, 121278. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

38. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar,, 2021, “How often do Oil Prices and Tanker Freight Rates Depend on Global Uncertainty, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48, 102043. (SCI, Impact Factor=1. 624)

39. Tsangyao Chang, Yu-Cheng Chang, Tei-Ying. Liu, Chi Wei Su and Mei-Chih Wang, 2021, “Treatment after Pollution?, Energy & Environment, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.945)

40. Zheng-Zheng Li, Chi Wei Su and Ran Tao, 2021, “Does gender matter for the unemployment hysteresis effect among Asian countries?, International Journal of Manpower, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=1.75)

41. Chi Wei Su, Khalid Khan, Muhammad Umar, and Weike Zhang, 2021. “Does renewable energy redefine geopolitical risks”, Energy Policy, 158, 112566, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=6.142)

42. Ting-Ting Sun, Chi Wei Su, Tao Ran and Meng Qin, 2021, “Are Agricultural Commodity Prices on a Conventional Wisdom with Inflation?”, SAGE OPEN, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=1.356)

43. Chi Wei Su, Xi Yuan, Ran Tao, and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “Can Bitcoin be a safe haven in fear sentiment?”, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, https://doi.org/10.3846/tede.2022.1 5502. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.97)

44. Chi Wei Su, Xi Yuan, Ran Tao, and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “Can new energy vehicles help to achieve carbon neutrality targets?”, Journal of Environmental Management, 297, 113348 (SCI, Impact Factor=6.789)

45. Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su, Tanzeela Yaqoob and Mir Hammal, 2021. “Do financial and non-financial stocks hedge against lockdown in Covid-19? An event study analysis”, Economic Research- Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

46. Chuanjian Li, Chi Wei Su, Mehmet Altuntaş and Xin Li, 2021. “COVID-19 and stock market nexus: evidence from Shanghai Stock Exchange”, Economic Research- Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

47. Chi Wei Su, Ke Dai, Sana Ullah and Zubaria Andlib, 2021. “COVID-19 pandemic and unemployment dynamics in European economies”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Published online. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

48. Chi Wei Su, Tiezhu Sun, Shabbir Ahmad and Nawazish Mirza, 2021. “Does institutional quality and remittances inflow crowd-in private investment to avoid Dutch Disease? A case for emerging seven (E7) economies”, Resources Policy, 72, 102111. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.986)

49. Kai Hua Wang and Chi Wei Su, 2021. “Does high crude oil dependence influence Chinese military expenditure decision-making?”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 35, 100653, (SCI, Impact Factor=3.895)

50. Kai Hua Wang, Chi Wei Su, Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “Whether crude oil dependence and CO2 emissions influence military expenditure in net oil importing countries”, Energy Policy, 153, 11281 (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.042)

51. Ting-Ting Sun, Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “How do economic fluctuations affect the mortality of infectious diseases?”, Frontiers in Public Health-Health Economics, (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.483)

52. Chi Wei Su, Shi-Wen Huang, Ran Tao and Muhammad Haris, 2021. “Does Economic Overheating Provide Positive Feedback on Population Health? Evidence from BRICS and ASEAN countries”, Frontiers in Public Health-Health Economics, (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.483)

53. Chi Wei Su, Shi-Wen Huang, Meng Qin and Muhammad Umar, 2021. Does Crude Oil Price Stimulate Economic Policy Uncertainty in BRICS?”, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 66, 101569. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.382)

54. Tie-Ying Liu and Chi Wei Su, 2021. “Is Transportation Improving Urbanization in China”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Available online, 101034. (SSCI, Impact Factor=4.149)

55. Ting-Ting Sun, Chi Wei Su, Nawazish Mirza and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “How does trade policy uncertainty affect agricultural commodity prices?”, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 66, 101514. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.382)

56. Chi Wei Su, Yu Song and Muhammad Umar, 2021. “Financial aspects of marine economic growth: From the perspective of coastal provinces and regions in China”, Ocean and Coastal Management, 204, 105550. (SCI, Impact Factor=2.482)

57. Chi Wei Su, Yannong Xie, Sadaf Shahab, Muhammad Nadeem Faisal, Muhammad Hafeez and Ghulam Muhammad Qamri, 2021, “Towards Achieving Sustainable Development: Role of Technology Innovation, Technology Adoption and CO2 Emission for BRICS”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 277. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.849)

58. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Chi Wei Su and Jaime Ortiz, 2021, “Causality between Actual and Expected Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence Using a Heterogeneous Panel Analysis”, Eastern European Economics, Published online, 148-170. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=0.854)

59. Muhammad Umar, Chi-Wei Su, Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi and Xue-Feng Shao, 2021, “Bitcoin: A Safe Haven Asset and a Winner Amid Political and Economic Uncertainties in the US?”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 167, 120680. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

60. Kai-Hua Wang, Chi-Wei Su and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Geopolitical Risk and Crude Oil Security: A Chinese Perspective”, Energy, 219, 119555. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.082)

61. Khalid Khan, Chi-Wei Su, Muhammad Umar and Xiao-Guang Yue, 2021, “Do crude oil price bubbles occur?”, Resources Policy, Available online, 101936. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.986)

62. Qiu-Su Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Yu-Fei Hua and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Can fiscal decentralization regulate the impact of industrial structure on energy efficiency?”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 34, 1, 1727-1751. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

63. Chi-Wei Su, Meng Qin, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Should Bitcoin be Held under the U.S. Partisan Conflict”, Technological and Economic Development Economy, 1-19. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.194)

64. Ran Tao, Chi-Wei Su, Yidong Xiao, Ke Dai and Fahad Khalid, 2021, “Robo advisors, algorithmic trading and investment management: Wonders of fourth industrial revolution in financial markets”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 163, 120421. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

65. Chi-Wei Su, Muhammad Umar, Zeeshan, Khan, 2021, “Does fiscal decentralization and eco-innovation promote renewable energy consumption? Analyzing the role of political risk”, Science of The Total Environment, 751, 142220. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.551)

66. Chi Wei Su, Xu-Yu Cai, Meng Qin, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2021, “Can bank credit withstand falling house price in China?”, International Review of Economics and Finance, 71, 257-267. (SSCI, FLI, Impact Factor=1.818).

1. Khalid Khan and Chi-Wei Su, 2021, “Urbanization and carbon emissions: a panel threshold analysis”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 26073-26081. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12443-6. (SCI, Impact Factor=3.056)

67. Chi-Wei Su, Lu Liu and Kai-Hua Wang, 2020, “Do Bubble Behaviors Exist in Chinese Film Stock”, SAGE OPEN, 10(4)1-12. (SSCI, Impact Factor=0. 715)

68. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Bank Competition in China: A Blessing or a curse for Financial System”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 1-21. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

69. Zheng Zheng Li, Chi Wei Su, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Who is the chaser in cryptocurrencies”, Singapore Economic Review, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-12443-6. (SSCI, Impact Factor=0.807)

70. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Does Oil Price Really Matter for the Wage Arrears in Russia?” Energy, 208, 118350. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.082)

71. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao, Xue-Feng Shao, Lucian Liviu Albu and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Can Bitcoin hedge the risks of geopolitical events?”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 159, 120182. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

72. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Financial implications of fourth industrial revolution: Can bitcoin improve prospects of energy investment?”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 158, 120178. (SSCI, Impact Factor=5.846)

2. Lei Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Shahid Ali and Hsu-Ling Chang, 2020, “How China is fostering sustainable growth: the interplay of green investment and production-based emission”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(31), 39607-39618. (SCI, Impact Factor=3.056)

3. Xue Tao Zhang, Xi Hua Liu, Chi Wei Su and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Does asymmetric persistence in convergence of the air quality index (AQI) exist in China”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(29), 36541-36569. (SCI, Impact Factor=3.056)

73. Meng Qin, Lian-Hong Qiu, Ran Tao, Muhammad Umar, Chi Wei Su and Wen Jiao, 2020, “The Inevitable Role of El Niño: A Fresh Insight into the Oil Market”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 33(1), 1943-1962. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=2.229)

74. Yu Song, Bo Chen, Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Too much or lessFinancial development in Chinese marine economic growth”, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 37, 101324. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.462)

75. Chi Wei Su, Khalid Khan, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “A Review of Resource Curse Burden on Inflation in Venezuela”, Energy, 204, 117925. (SCI, Impact Factor=6.082)

76. Chi Wei Su, Bushra Naqvi, Xue-Feng Shao, Jing-Ping Li and Zhilun Jiaoe, 2020, “Trade and technological innovation: The catalysts for climate change and way forward for COP21”, Journal of Environmental Management, 269, 110774. (SCI, Impact Factor=4.865)

77. Ahsan Naseer, Chi Wei Su, Nawazish Mirza and Jing-Ping Li, 2020, “Double jeopardy of Resources and Investment Curse in South Asia: Is Technology the only way Out?”, Resources Policy, 68, 101702. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.618)

78. Meng Qin, Chi Wei Su, Ran Tao and Muhammad Umar, 2020, “Is Factionalism a Push for Gold Price, Resources Policy, 67, 10167. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.618)

79. Yu Song, Bo Chen, Ran Tao, Chi Wei Su and Adelina Dumitrescu Peculea, 2020, Does bilateral political relations affect foreign direct investment?”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 33(1), 1485-1509. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.1381)

80. Meng Qin, Chi Wei Su, Lin-Na Hao and Ran Tao, 2020, “The Stability of U.S. Economic Policy: Does it Really Matter for Oil Price?”, Energy, 198, 117315. (SCI, Impact Factor=5.537)

81. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao, Nicoleta-Claudia MOLDOVAN and Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ, 2020, “Factors Driving Oil Price - From the Perspective of United States”, Energy, 197, 117219. (SCI, Impact Factor=5.537)

82. Chi Wei Su, Khalid Khan, Lin-Na Hao, Ran Tao and Adelina Dumitrescu Peculea, 2020, “Do House Prices Squeeze Marriages in China?”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 33(1), 1119-1140. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.1381)

83. Chi Wei Su, Xu-Yu Cai and Ran Tao, 2020, “Can Stock Investor Sentiment Be Contagious in China?”, Sustainability, 12(4), 1571. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.592)

84. Meng Qin, Chi Wei Su and Ran Tao, 2020, “BitCoinA New Basket for Eggs?”, Economic Modelling, 94, 896-907. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.056)

85. Chi Wei Su, Xiao-Qing Wang, Haotian Zhu, Ran Tao, Nicoleta-Claudia MOLDOVAN & Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ, 2020, “Testing for Multiple Bubbles in the Copper Price: Periodically Collapsing Behavior”, Resources Policy, 65, 101587. (SSCI, Impact Factor=2.618)

86. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao and Xiaoyan Zhang, 2020, “Is the Status of Gold Threatened by Bitcoin”, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 33(1), 420-437. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.137)

87. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su, and Ran Tao, 2020, “Does Oil Prices Cause Financial Liquidity Crunch? Perspective from Geopolitical Risk”, Defence and Peace Economics, DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2020.1712640. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.068)

88. Khalid Khan, Chi Wei Su, Yi-Dong Xiao, Haotian Zhu and Xiaoyan Zhang, 2020, “Trends in Tourism under Economic Uncertainty”, Tourism Economics, DOI: 10.1177/1354816620909608. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.098)

89. Xin Li, Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin and Fahai Zhao, 2020, “Testing for bubbles in the Chinese art market”, SAGE OPEN, 10(1), 2158244019901249. (SSCI, Impact Factor=0.675)

90. Chi Wei Su, Meng Qin, Ran Tao and Nicoleta-Claudia, 2020, “Is Oil Political? From The Perspective of Geopolitical Risk”, Defence and Peace Economics, DOI: 10.1080/10242694.2019.1708562. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.068)

91. Chi Wei Su and Xin Li, 2020, “When Will Bubbles Occur in the Fine Wine Market?”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 1, 141-158.  (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=0.247)

92. Kai-Hua Wang, Chi-Wei Su, Oana-Ramona Lobonţ and Nicoleta-Claudia, 2020, “Chinese renewable energy industries’ boom and recession: Evidence from bubble detection procedure”, Energy Policy, 138, 111200. (SSCI, Impact Factor=3.045)

93. Chi Wei Su, Yingying Xu, Hsu-Ling Chang, Oana-Ramona LOBONŢ and Zhixin Liu, 2020, “Dynamic causalities between defence expenditure and economic growth in China”, Defence and Peace Economics, 31(5), 565-582. (ECON-LIT, SSCI, Impact Factor=1.068)

5. 研究课题

1. 我国五年规划下产业扶持政策对股票市场持续性影响的时空演变研究(20BJY021),主持,2020年国家社会科学基金一般项目。RMB$200,000

2. 人民币离岸金融中心的区位选择与形成机制研究(15BJY155),主持,2015年国家社会科学基金一般项目。RMB$200,000

3. 亚洲区域货币博弈中人民币国际化的对策研究(NCET-13-0533),主持,2013年教育部新世纪人才支持项目。RMB$100,000

4. 亚洲区域货币整合中的人民币国际化基于利率平价理论的实证研究(14YJA790049),主持2014年教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目。RMB$100,000

5. 《台湾普惠金融体系研究》,主持2013年深圳证券交易所项目。RMB$100,000

6. 《世界主要国家和地区征信体系发展模式与实践——对中国征信体系发展现状的反思》,主持2013年深圳证券交易所项目。RMB$100,000

7. 《山东省 十三五普惠金融发展专项规划》,主持2015年山东省金融工作办公室项目。RMB$80,000

8. 中国博士后科学基金,亚洲十国购买力评价学说之再审视:Panel SURKSS (资助编号:20100470876)RMB$30,000


6. 著作

1. 台湾普惠金融体系研究, 2016, 经济科学出版社

2. 世界主要国家和地区征信体系发展模式实践——对中国征信体系建设的反思, 2014, 经济科学出版社

3. Non-linear Causality between the Stock and Real Estate Markets of China and Western European Countries, 2013 (Published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & CO. KG)

4. An Empirical Study of Linear and Nonlinear Relationship between Stock Prices and Dividends: The Case of Taiwan, 2011Published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & CO. KG)




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