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发布时间:2022-06-13    编辑:刘寒     点击:[]









本科:2011 - 2015  北京建筑大学  测绘工程

博士:2016 - 2021  北京师范大学  全球环境变化(硕博连读)










1. Xue, W., Zhang, J., Zhong, C., et al. Spatiotemporal PM2.5 Variations and Its Response to the Industrial Structure from 2000 to 2018 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 279, 123742. (SCI一区TOP高被引论文)

2. Xue, W., Zhang, J., Ji, D, et al. Aerosol-induced Radiative Forcing Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes over China, Environmental Research, 2021, 200, 111464. (SCI二区TOP)

3. Xue, W., Wei, J., Zhang, J., et al. Inferring Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentrations from the VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Product in China: A Spatiotemporally Weighted Random Forest Model. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(3), 505. (SCI二区,TOP)

4. Xue, W., Zhang, J., Qiao, Y., et al. Spatiotemporal Variations and Relationships of Aerosol-Radiation-Ecosystem Productivity over China during 2001-2014, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741C, 140324. (SCI一区,TOP)

5. Xue, W., Zhang, J. , Zhong, C. , et al. Satellite-derived Spatiotemporal PM2.5 Concentrations and Variations from 2006 to 2017 in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 712, 134577. (SCI一区TOP)

6. Li, X., Xue, W., Wang, K., et al. Environmental Regulation and Synergistic Effects of PM2.5 Control in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 337, 130438. (SCI一区TOP,共同一作)

7. Yang, Z., Li, Q., Xue, W.,* et al. Impacts of Nature Reserves on Local Residents' Income in China. Ecological Economics, 2022, 199, 107494.(SSCI一区TOP)

8. Hu, X., Zhang, J., Xue, W.,* et al. Estimation of the Near-Surface Ozone Concentration with Full Spatiotemporal Coverage across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting Combined with a WRF-Chem Model, Atmosphere, 2022,13(4),632. (SCI三区,TOP)

9. Tian, Y., Li, X., Xue, W.,* et al. Characteristics of Atmospheric Pollution and the Impacts of Environmental Management over a Megacity, Northwestern China, Urban Climate, 2022, 42(9), 101114. (SCI二区)

10. Lu, T., Zhang, J., Xue, W.,* et al. Impacts of Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration in China from 2001 to 2014. Atmospheric Research, 2021, 260, 105713. (SCI二区)

11. 薛文晧张晶周丽花,等. 华北地区夏季严重臭氧污染事件及气象要素分析. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 55(1), 125-138.(中文核心)


1. Wei, J., Liu, S., Li, Z., Liu, C., Qin, K.,Pinker, R.T., Dickerson, R., Lin, J., Boersma, K., Sun, L., Li, R., Xue, W., Cui, Y., Zhang, C., and Wang, J. Ground-level NO2 surveillance from space across China for high resolution using interpretable spatiotemporally weighted artificial intelligence, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022. (SCI一区TOP)

2. Wei, J., Li, Z., Li, K., Dickerson, R., Pinker, R., Wang, J., Liu, X., Sun, L., Xue, W., and Cribb, M. Full-coverage Mapping and Spatiotemporal Variations of Ground-level Ozone (O3) Pollution from 2013 to 2020 across China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 269, 112775.(SCI一区TOP)

3. Wei, J., Li, Z., Sun, L., Xue, X., Ma, Z., Liu, L., Fan, T., and Cribb, M. Extending the EOS long-term PM2.5 data records since 2013 in China: application to the VIIRS Deep Blue aerosol products. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 1-12, 4100412.  (SCI一区, TOP)

4. Wei, J., Li, Z., Lyapustin A., Sun, L., Peng, Y., Xue, W., Su T, and Cribb, M. Reconstructing 1-km-resolution High-quality PM2.5 Data Records from 2000 to 2018 in China: Spatiotemporal Variations and Policy Implications, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 252, 112632. (SCI一区TOPESI热点+高被引论文)

5. Wei, J., Li, Z., Pinker, R., Wang, J., Sun, L., Xue, W., Li, R., and Cribb, M. Himawari-8-derived diurnal variations of ground-level PM2.5 pollution across China using the fast space-time Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 21, 7863–7880. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-7863-2021 (SCI一区, TOP, 高被引论文)

6. Wei, J., Li, Z., Xue, W. et al. The ChinaHighPM10 Dataset: Generation, Validation, and Spatiotemporal Variations. Environment international. 2021. (SCI一区TOP高被引论文)

7. Che, Y., Zhang, J.,Fang, C., Zhou, X., Xue, W., et al. Aerosol and cloud properties over a coastal area from aircraft observations in Zhejiang, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 267, 118771. (SCI, TOP)

8. Wei, J., Li, Z., Cribb, M., Huang, W., Xue, W., Sun, L., Guo, J., Peng, Y., Li, J., Lyapustin, A., Liu, L., Wu, H., and Song, Y. Improved 1 km resolution PM2.5 estimates across China using enhanced space-time extremely randomized trees, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 20(6), 3273–3289. (SCI一区, TOP, 高被引论文)

9. Zhong, C., Hu, R., Wang, M., Xue, W., and He, L. The Impact of Urbanization on Urban Agriculture: Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276, 122686. (SCI一区TOP)

10. Che, Y., Zhang, J., Zhao, C., Fang, W., Xue, W., Yang, W., Ji, D., Duan, J., Sun, J., Shen, X., Zhou, X., A study on the characteristics of ice nucleating particles concentration and aerosols and their relationship in spring in Beijing. Atmospheric Research2020. (SCI二区, )

11. Wei, J., Huang, W., Li, Z., Xue, W., Peng, Y., Sun, L., and Cribb, M. Estimating 1-km-resolution PM2.5 Concentrations across China Using the Space-time Random Forest Approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 231, 111221. (SCI一区TOPESI热点+高被引论文)

12. Wei, J., Li, Z., Guo, J., Sun, L., Huang, W., Xue, W., Fan, T, and Cribb, M. Satellite-derived 1-km-resolution PM1 Concentrations from 2014 to 2018 across China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(22), 13265–13274. (SCI一区TOP高被引论文)

13. Zhou, L., Zhang, J., Zheng., Xue, W., and Zhu, S. Impacts of Chemical and Synoptic Processes on Summer Tropospheric Ozone Trend in North China. Advances in Meteorology, 2019, 1-14. (SCI四区)

14. 邵思雅, 张晶, 周丽花, & 薛文晧. 基于fu-liou辐射传输模式和卫星观测资料的气溶胶对全球地表太阳辐射影响的研究. 资源科学, 2019, 39(3), 513-521.(CSSCI)

15. 乔岩, 张晶, 薛文晧, 周丽花, 张艺娟, & 陆天蔚. 基于fu-liou模式的气溶胶对中国,印度2011—2014年地表太阳辐射影响的研究. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2019, 055(001), 114-120.(中文核心)


(1)Atmosphere SCI)客座编辑









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